Bausch & Lomb

博士倫LACELLE® 1-DAY眼妝CON,擁有四款系列,配合你演繹出不同造型,令你在任何場合,都能成為全場焦點。
- 【締造獨特眼神的秘密】
博士倫LACELLE® 1-DAY眼妝CON系列的花紋設計貼近虹膜紋理,DIAMOND 系列更有獨特花紋, 令雙眸與眾不同
- 【17款色系 配合不同造型】

- 【立即click入找出專屬你的天生大眼】

博士倫NATURELLE 1DAY睛緻CON,與眼色自然融合,巧妙放大眼神,唯有妳明眸隨心綻放。備有Pure Black 及Chic Brown 兩種顏色以供選擇。
- 【自然迷人】
獨特Gradation Pattern漸變色層設計,融合眼色又令鏡片自然定位,巧妙放大雙目,綻放神采!
- 【配戴健康】
獨有Micro-encapsulation Techology全方位隔色透氧技術,將美國FDA 認可色素1直接注入鏡片之內,隔離色素同時保持鏡片高透氧度,配戴更安心健康。
- 【配戴舒適】
ComfortMoistTM 智能緩釋科技2,蘊含保濕因子Poloxamine, 保持雙眼濕潤舒適3,從早到晚眼光依然水漾舒適。加上高清(非球面)光學設計,有效減低球面像差,令影像清晰可見。

博士倫1-DAY高清保濕CON 更貼有黃色的「正貨條碼標籤」以作識別,正貨保證更安心。


  • • 產品質素保證,保障眼睛健康
  • • 獨家的消費者優惠
  • • 由專業註冊視光師提供的專業驗配及眼睛健康意見
  1. CFR Code of Federal Regulations Title 21.
  2. Results from a 7 investigator, multi-site study of Naturelle lenses. After 5 days of wear, subjects completed an online survey regarding lens performance. A total of 210 subjects completed the survey.
  3. Results of in vitro study to evaluate the release of a wetting agent over a 10 hour time period for Naturelle daily disposable contact lens packaged in borate buffered saline with Poloxamine. Naturelle daily disposable contact lenses with borate buffered saline with Poloxamine were placed in prototype lens cases and Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) was dripped over the lenses at a rate that approximates tear secretion in the human eye as determined by Reddy I, et al, Ocular Therapeutics and Drug Delivery. The solutions that rinsed off of the lenses were collected every 2 hours over a 10 hour period. The surface tensions obtained from the rinse solutions were evaluated in a one sided t-test at 95% confidence level with un-equal variance between the test and control to determine statistically significant differences in surface tension at each time point.